Contact Us
Municipality of West Perth
160 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 609, Mitchell ON N0K 1N0
Successful planning builds healthy inclusive communities, balances population growth with the environment, and ensures land use choices reflect the needs of future generations. The Municipality provides professional planning advice to West Perth Council, committees of Council, developers, and the general public on development and policy-related matters.
Planning staff guide and assist landowners with development and future building proposals. They are responsible for upholding the County Official Plan, the Mitchell Ward Official Plan and the Zoning By-Law and Zoning By-Law Key Maps
West Perth planning staff are responsible for delivering municipal services as mandated under the Ontario Planning Act:
Who Should I Contact? | ||||||||
Depending on the application, it should be submitted to:
Applicants should submit a pre-consultation form to County planners prior to submitting an application. |
Official Plan Amendment |
Mitchell has a Local Official Plan implementing the County Official Plan for Mitchell Ward. West Perth Official Plan (Mitchell Ward) Looking to make an Official Plan Amendment?Step 1: Review the Local Official Plan Amendment Guide Step 2: Set up a Pre-Consultation Meeting with the Municipal Planner Step 3: Complete the Local Official Plan Amendment Application |
Zoning By-law Amendment |
The Zoning By-law regulates land-use within the Municipality and determines:
A Zoning By-law Amendment is needed when an applicant wishes to change the zoning of their property for development or change of use (e.g. changing zone from residential to commercial; or changing A1 to A2 agricultural zones). Want to know what your property is zoned? Check out the West Perth Zoning Maps. Let's get started:Step 1: Review the Zoning By-law Amendment Guide. Step 3: Fill out an application form: Zoning By-law Amendment Application Step 4: Submit the application to the Building Department at the Municipal Office with the required fee and TIP: Applicants should read the detailed instructions provided in the application form, and become familiar Need more information?: The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more here: Citizens' Guide 3 - Zoning By-laws.
Minor Variance |
Sometimes a property owner wants to make a minor deviation to the Zoning By-law provision such as a building setback or height restriction. Owners who want to have minor changes to the use of their property that differ only slightly from Zoning By-law provisions can apply for a Minor Variance. Example: A property owner planning an addition to their house determines that with the addition there will only be a 6.5 meter rear yard. The Zoning By-law requires a rear yard depth of 7.5 meters. This may be considered a minor variance, and the owner could apply for a minor variance that, if approved, would relax the rear yard requirement under the Zoning By-law and allow for the addition to proceed. Applicants must speak with planning staff in-person or on the phone before submitting an application. Perth C County Planning staff are in the Municipal Office part-time. Email one of the planning staff in the "Who Should I Contact" section of this page to set up an appointment. Let's get started:Step 1: Review the Minor Variance Amendment Guide. Step 3: Fill out an application form: Minor Variance Application Step 4: Submit the application to the Building Department at the Municipal Office with the required fee and TIP: Applicants should read the detailed instructions provided in the application form, and become familiar |
Site Plan Approval |
Site Plan Approval is a form of development control, authorized under Section 41 of the Planning Act, Implemented through the Municipality of West Perth By-law 27-2023. This means the Municipality has the authority to influence the site design of development in addition to meeting requirements of the Municipal Zoning By-law and the Ontario Building Code.
Site Plan Approval applies to all development within West Perth with the exception of single-detached dwellings, two-unit dwellings, accessory buildings, farm buildings, and temporary buildings. Site Plan Approval is required prior to issuing a Building Permit for all developments subject to Site Plan Approval. Site Plan Approval is required for new buildings, an addition to existing buildings, or a commercial parking lot. Step 1: Seek a pre-consultation meeting with the municipal planner Step 2: Follow the Site Plan Design Guidelines Step 3: Complete a Site Plan Application Applicants are strongly encouraged to have a pre-consultation meeting prior to submitting a site plan application. New and amended site plans must conform to the Zoning By-law and the Building and Fire Codes. Please consult the West Perth Site Plan Design Guidelines during the preparation of a site plan. The Municipal Development and Servicing Guidelines standardizes the design of municipal servicing infrastructure for development in the Municipality of West Perth. While these guidelines are primarily aimed at the expansion of residential development within the Municipality, developers, builders, and the general public can use it as a guide for developments created by consent, individual site developments, or commercial and industrial areas. |
Part-Lot Control Exemption |
The Municipality may pass a by-law to remove part-lot control from all or any part of a registered plan of subdivision. This allows lands within a plan of subdivision to be further divided into individual parcels without the approval (and associated Public Meeting) by the County of Perth Land Division Committee or Council. This exemption is appropriate when the resulting changes will not affect the nature or character of the subdivision. This application is usually applied to semi-detached or townhouse developments to establish property boundaries after the construction of the buildings due to the difficulty of the builder constructing the common centre wall on the exact property line. |
I submitted an application, What happens now? |
The application will be processed by staff who will circulate it to the required public bodies for comments, as well as to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject site. A sign will be installed on the property briefly describing the proposal. Once all comments have been received, the Municipality will hold a Public Meeting as per the requirements of the Ontario Planning Act. The Planner will prepare a report to Council with a recommendation to approve or refuse the rezoning application. You are encouraged to attend the Public Meeting to present your view. If Council approves the proposed amendment, it will pass a by-law which will be circulated to give interested parties the chance to appeal. A 20-day appeal period is provided, once notice of Adoption of the By-law has been given. If no appeals are received by the end of the appeal period, the amendment is in full force and effect. A similar process for Minor Variance/Permission applications occurs, with slight differences, in accordance with the Ontario Planning Act. The requirements for planning applications and their respective processes are established and required by the Ontario Planning Act. Applicants are advised to consult with the Municipality if they have any questions before, during, and/or after the application process. |
Planning Fees |
The fee for planning applications is based on the type of application. Other costs such as supporting studies, public agency review, surveying, legal agreements, peer review and other supporting material fees are not listed within the Fee schedule but may be required. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES:The Municipality of West Perth collects development charges on new properties to help pay for growing municipal infrastructure and services including roads, water and sewer infrastructure, community centres, emergency services and facilities. For updated information regarding the new Development Charges By-Law, view our Development Charges page. |
Development and Servicing Guidelines |
This guide provides the development and servicing guidelines for Municipality of West Perth. |
Mandatory Pre-Consultation | ||||||
The County of Perth has a mandatory pre-consultation By-law (By-law 3509-2016) which requires an applicant to consult with the County before submitting a request to amend the Official Plan or before applying for approval of a plan of subdivision or condominium.
The purpose of meeting prior to submitting an application is to permit the County Planner to consult with the applicant and clarify information that the applicant may be required to submit to the County. To set up a pre-consultation meeting please contact the Planning Department. |
Consent to Sever/Severance | ||||||
A consent is the authorized separation of a piece of land to allow for the creation of a new parcel of land (also known as land severance). This approval begins with the submission of a Development (Land Severance) Application to the County of Perth. Within the County Official Plan, there are policies and requirements for land severance. If the severance and creation of multiple lots is intended, an application for a plan of subdivision will normally be required. Prior to making an application, a proponent is encouraged to pre-consult with the County Planning Department to review the request and submission requirements. Each application must include the application fee. Please contact the County Planning and Development Department at the information provided here, or by email to, to arrange a pre-consultation meeting. West Perth - Condition Information Sheet Step 1 - Review Guide to Consent Applications Step 2 - Review Guide to Planning Application Pre-Consultation Step 3 - Complete Pre-Consultation Submission Requirements and Request Form After pre-consultation is complete, proceed to Step 4. Step 4 - Consent to Sever Application Form
If Consent to Sever is for a Surplus Farm Dwelling, please complete the Surplus Farm Dwelling Severance - Farm Owner Application Form Citizens' Guide to Land Use Planning - Land Severances by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more information. |
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium | ||||||
A plan of Subdivision/Condominium is an application process under the Planning Act to create multiple lots or blocks from an existing property. Once approved, the Plan of Subdivision or Condominium is registered on the title of the property and allows for the new lots or blocks to be sold. Applications for Plan of Subdivision/Condominium are submitted to the County of Perth Planning and Development Department. Prior to submitting an application, a pre-consultation meeting with the County of Perth Planning and Development Department and the Municipality’s planning staff is needed to determine the suitability of the request and to review the submission requirements. See the “Mandatory Pre-Consultation” tab for more information. Step 1 - Review Guide to Subdivision/Condo Applications Step 2 - Review Guide to Planning Application Pre-Consultation Step 3 - Complete Pre-Consultation Submission Requirements and Request Form After pre-consultation is complete, proceed to Step 4 Step 4 - Plan of Subdivision/Condominium Application Form Citizens' Guide to Land Use Planning - Subdivisions by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more information. |
County of Perth Official Plan |
The purpose of the County of Perth Official Plan is to establish a policy framework to guide the physical, social and economic development of the County and to protect the natural environment and resources within the County. Various issues are dealt with through the policy framework including where new housing, industry, office space and shops can be located, what services such as roads, water mains, sewer mains and other services are needed as well as where the community will grow. A printed copy of the Official Plan can be purchased from the Planning Department. Citizens' Guide to Land Use Planning - Official Plan by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more information. View the New 2019-2020 County Official Plan
Digital Mapping Services | ||||||
PERTH COUNTY GISThe County has an interactive online map (including aerial photos) to assist landowners and the development community. |
The Planning Act | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Planning Act establishes rules for land use planning within the Province of Ontario and describes how land may be controlled. This Act was passed to:
Citizens' Guide to Land Use Planning - The Planning Act by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more information. |
Minimum Distance Separation |
Development in agricultural area requires compliance with the Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Formulae developed by the Province of Ontario to reduce incompatibility concerns stemming from odour impacts from livestock facilities. If you are considering new development or expanding or remodeling livestock barns, manure storage and/or anaerobic digesters, an assessment of MDS is required. For more information on Minimum Distance Separation visit Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) website. MDS is made up of two separate but related formulae that act reciprocally to site new development (e.g. residences, churches, and other sensitive uses) and new or expanding livestock facilities: MDS I – provides the minimum distance separation between proposed new development and existing livestock barns, manure storage and/or anaerobic digesters. Agricultural consultants can prepare the necessary MDS assessment needed in order to obtain a building permit (in no particular order):
To be added to the above list, Email the Planner with your full contact information. The above consultants have confirmed they are on the Province’s Nutrient Management Consultants registry, and able to prepare MDS calculations/assessments for both MDS I and MDS II. |
Forest Conservation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The County of Perth Forest Conservation By-law regulates the destruction or injuring of trees. This By-law was enacted to improve forest, soil, fish, wildlife and water resources in Perth County by conserving and improving woodlands. Considering tree removal? You are required to submit a Notice of Intent to the County Planning and Development Department at least five (5) business days prior to any destruction or injury or trees (pursuant to Section 3 (2) of the By-law) and at least twenty (20) business days prior to any destruction or injury of trees (pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the County's Forest Conservation By-law). Contact the County's By-law Enforcement Officer: T: 519-291-2236 |