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The Municipality of West Perth does not require a Municipal Business Licence to open a retail, home or other business in the Municipality. The only businesses that require a licence are taxis, refreshment vehicles and those wishing to encroach on Municipal property with a sidewalk patio/café or sidewalk merchandise space.
Refreshment Vehicle Licence |
To operate a refreshment vehicle in West Perth you must have a licence. Refreshment vehicles include food trucks, ice-cream carts, hotdog carts and food trailers. They may be mobile or stay in one spot. Refreshment vehicles must follow the Municipality of West Perth Refreshment Vehicle By-law.
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This is an Application for a one-time event or an annual licence that is valid until December 31. Your application must include:
Special EventsTo operate at special events you must receive written permission from special event organizers to sell within their event.
*Please send your application and any required documents to |
Taxi Licence |
To operate a taxi in the Municipality of West Perth you must have a taxi licence. Note a Licensee in West Perth is any person licenced under the West Perth Taxi By-law and/or issued under another Municipality's jurisdiction within which a taxicab business is licenced to operate. Application |
Sidewalk Patio Permit |
Sidewalk Merchandise Displays |
The Municipality of West Perth permits the display of merchandise on sidewalks in specified locations in West Perth. By-law 079-2010 Open Displays outlines the regulations for sidewalk merchandise displays. |
Sign Permit |
The Building Department is responsible for issuing sign permits regulating permanent and portable signs and other advertising devices, and the posting of notices on buildings or in vacant lots and awnings or marquees which project over a street. Applications will be checked for compliance with the Sign By-law and applicants will be advised if any modifications are required to plans in order for the project to comply. A sign permit will be issued when all necessary approvals have been obtained and all fees have been paid. Application
Special Occasion Permit |
A permit from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario is required any time alcohol is offered for sale or served anywhere other than in a licensed establishment or private place. In order to receive a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) for liquor sales from the AGCO for a public event held in West Perth, you must receive a letter of "municipal significance." A Public Event SOP can be issued:
SOP let of Municipal Significance Requirements
Event Tent Permit |
When is a building permit required for a tent?
*If the event is on public property a Fire Plan approved by the West Perth Fire Department is also required.
Municipality of West Perth's Building Department uses Cloudpermit - an online system to apply for and track building permits. This initiative aims to streamline the permit process and reduce our carbon footprint. You can now apply for and monitor the status of your building permit online, anytime and from anywhere, using the Cloudpermit platform.